Sunday, April 3, 2011


Truth is were all looking for it. In the dictionary there is 28 different definitions, the first being "a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person." I googled the meaning of i love you, yeah i know that lame but i wanted to see if other people were having the same thoughts that i was. I love being in love. But this is what i came up with. 
"It is not enough to tell someone you love them on a regular basis if there is no passion and fire behind the statement.  We often say the words, “I love you” without really feeling the meaning of them.  Yeah we know the words mean, ”You matter to me… I care about what happens to you…. I think you’re pretty cool.”  But there is so much more to it then that.  When we are first falling in love, we think about the ideas of what that means.  We analyze the relationship and each other.  We really look at what is developing and we evaluate whether or not it is safe to say those three little words.  It is a big deal to make the decision to say it to someone else.  How will they receive it?  Do they feel the same way?  Will they say, “I love you, too” or will they mumble something about having a meeting they forgot about?  After the relationship is going along successfully, we forget to really think about what it means to still be saying, “I love you” to the other person."
I love seeing people in love... I repeat the word love a lot. 

Love is the one thing, that can change any decision, any thought. Its the one thing everyone has in common, everyone  has or had someone or something to love. Everyone loves being in love. :) 

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